Thursday, 3 July 2014

AG2211 Applied Geology Unit 2 Question Bank

AG2211 Applied Geology Unit 2 Question Bank

Anna University , Chennai
AG2211 Applied Geology
University Question Bank
Unit - II
2.A.1. List the properties of calcite. (May/June 2012)
2.A.2. Describe the Moh's Scale of hardness of minerals. (May/June 2012)
2.A.3. List the symmetry elements of the 'Rhombohedral division' (Nov/Dec.2012)
2.A.4. Mention at least four examples of clay minerals. (Nov/Dec.2012)
2.A.5. Differentiate between cleavage and fracture. (May/June.2011)
2.A.6. List out the places of Indian occurrence of coal. (May/June.2011)
2.A.7. Draw and explain the axial position of the normal class of monoclinic system. (April/May.2010)
2.A.8. Write any two uses of mica. (April/May.2010)
2.A.11. What is center of symmetry? (Nov./Dec..2010)
2.A.12. How is petroleum formed? (Nov./Dec..2010)
2.A.13. Write down the Moh's Scale of hardness of minerals. (Nov./Dec.2009 R-2004)
2.A.14. Enlist the physical properties of Garnet and Gneiss. (Nov./Dec.2009 R-2004)
2.A.15. What is axis of symmetry? (Nov./Dec.2009)
2.A.16. Write the uses of clay minerals. (Nov./Dec.2009)

Part B
2.B.1. (a)Explain the properties, behavior and engineering significance of clay minerals. (Nov./Dec..2009)
2.B.2 (b) Describe the physical properties of quartz family minerals. (Nov./Dec..2009)
2.B.3.(a)Describe the symmetry elements of all the crystals systems(Nov./Dec..2009)
2.B.4 (b) Explain the physical property of calcite, Biotite and Garnet. (Nov./Dec..2009)
2.B.5. (a) Write the symmetry of normal class of Hexagonal system. (April/May.2008 R-2004)
2.B.6. (b) Enumerate the classification of coal based on the calorific value. (April/May.2008 R-2004)
2.B.7. (a) What are the various Physical properties of minerals? Give examples for each property and describe them in detail. May/June 2012
2.B.8. (b) Describe how coal and petroleum originate.  Give detail account of their occurrence in India. May/June 2012
2.B.9. (a) Give a detailed account of the mineralogical composition, engineering properties, behavior and uses of clay minerals. Nov/Dec.2012
2.B.10. (b) Explain the various processes of formation of ore minerals. Nov/Dec.2012
2.B.11. (a) Describe the physical properties studied in the identification of minerals in hand specimen. (May/June.2011)
2.B12. (b)Explain various process of ore formation. (May/June.2011)
2.B.13. (a) Describe the physical properties, chemical composition and uses of feldspar family minerals. (May/June.2011)
2.B.14. (b) Write the origin and geological occurrence of petroleum. Write the Indian occurrence of petroleum. (May/June.2011)
2.B.15. (a) Explain in detail the axial relation, symmetry elements and forms present in the normal class of Isometric system. (April/May.2010)
2.B.16. (b) Describe the physical properties and uses of the following minerals.
(a) Rock crystal (b) Orthoclase (c) Calcite (d) Magnetite (April/May.2010)
2.B.17. (a)What are the principal components of identification of minerals? Give examples. (Nov./Dec.2009 R-2004)
2.B.18 (b)How is Coal formed? Describe the different types of coal and its properties. (Nov./Dec.2009 R-2004)
2.B.19. (a) Explain the following minerals (a)Quartz family (b)Feldspar family. (Nov./Dec.2009)
2.B.20 (b) Explain in detail the various physical properties of the minerals (Nov./Dec.2009)
2.B.21. (a) Describe the physical properties of minerals with examples(April/May.2008 R-2004)
2.B.22.(b) Illustrate the physical properties and classification of Feldspar group on minerals. (April/May.2008 R-2004)

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