Friday, 4 July 2014

AG2211 Applied Geology Unit 3 Question Bank (Part A and B)

AG2211 Applied Geology Unit 3 Question Bank (Part A and B)

Anna University , Chennai
Applied Geology
University Question Bank
Unit - III
3.A.1. List a few texture of igneous rock. (May/June 2012)
3.A.2. Distinguish between limestone and shale. (May/June 2012)
3.A.3. What is the mineralogical composition and texture of Dolerite? (Nov/Dec.2012)
3.A.4. Difference between the engineering properties of shale and Quartzite. (Nov/Dec.2012)
3.A.5. How will you differentiate between igneous rock and sedimentary rock? (May/June.2011)
3.A.6. What is the texture and mineralogical composition of gneiss? (May/June.2011)
3.A.7. Define "Metamorphism". Give example(April/May.2010)
3.A.8. Explain "Cross bedding". (April/May.2010)
3.A.9. What is the texture of metamorphic rock?
3.A.10. Write the mineralogical composition and texture of granite.
3.A.11. How is compressive strength of rock determined?
3.A.12. Distinguish between Granite and Gneiss.
3.A.13. Name of the any two metamorphism.
3.A.14. Explain "Grade bedding"
3.A.15. Write the physical properties of Calcite and Garnet minerals.
3.A.16. Difference between Limestone and Marble rock.

3.B.1.(a) Describe the petro logical and   engineering properties of the following rock.           (i) Schist (ii) Marble (iii) Sandstone (iv) Gneiss (May/June 2012)
3.B.1 (b) Bring out the distinguishing characters and properties of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks. (May/June 2012)
3.B.2 (a) Bring out the distinguishing characters and properties of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks. (Nav/Dec 2012)
3.B.2. (b) List the various field and laboratory tests carried out to determine the Engineering. (Nav/Dec 2012)
3.B.3. (a) Describe the textures and structures of igneous rocks. (May/June 2008)
3.B.3. (b) Write the description, distribution, occurrence and engineering properties of syenite, basalt and schist. (May/June 2008)
3.B.4. (a) Describe various structure, classification and distribution sedimentary rocks. (May/June 2008)
3.B.4  (b) Write the description, distribution, occurrence and engineering properties of gabbro, shale and slate. (May/June 2008)
3.B.5.(a) Describe the distinguishing feature of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rock based on various criteria. (April/May 2010)
3.B.5. (b)Give the mode of occurrence, mineral composition, engineering properties and uses of the following rock. (a) Granite (b) Sandstone (c) Slate (d) Limestone (April/May 2010)
3.B.6. (a)  Write the description, occurrence and engineering properties of Dolerite, Conglomerate and Marble. (Nav/Dec 2010)
3.B.6. (b) Explain the structure of sedimentary rock and texture of metamorphic rock. (Nav/Dec 2010)
3.B.7. (a) Write the description, occurrence and engineering properties of sandstone, marble and limestone. (Nav/Dec 2010)
3.B.8. (b) Describe various criteria used for distinguishing igneous, sedimentary and metamormorphic rocks. (Nav/Dec 2009)
3.B.8.(a)Write about on mode of occurrence, engineering properties and uses of the following rocks. a) Granite  b) Basalt  c)conglomerate d)Gneiss (Nav/Dec 2009)
3.B.9. (b) Discuss elaborately the engineering properties of rocks and explain the procedures adopted to determine the engineering properties of rocks at site and laboratory (April/May 2008)
3.B.9. (C)How ate rocks classified? Give the main characteristics and classification of igneous rocks. Give examples. (April/May 2008)

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