BHEL INTERVIEW Questions For Electronics Candidate
BHEL INTERVIEW - 15 SEP 2008 - BANGALORE FOR MORE BHEL PAPERS: CLICK HERE BOOKS FOR BHEL EXAM: CLICK HERE University Papers | Syllabus | Entrance Exam | Govt & PSU Papers | Bank Papers Programming Questions | Travel Tips | Mobile Review | Placement Papers | Books For Other PSU Exam Papers - CLICK HERE Download PDF File - CLICK HERE I have attended BHEL off-campus interview for the post of Engineer Trainee-08 conducted on 15th Sep. in Bangalore... I belong to Electronics and Communication branch. Well the written test was conducted on 10th Aug. and the results are disclosed soon on 20th Aug. As far as I know BHEL started calling people for interview from 8th Sep. They have set up 3-4 panels, in Bangalore, New Delhi, Kolkata, rest no idea. They have called people in morning and afternoon shifts, nearly 15-16 people per shift. We were asked to bring interview call-letter, biodata form, TA form, all original mark-sheets and one Xerox copy of all. When we reached the venue, first they verified all documents. SC/ST people have to show original caste certificate. They have a list of central reserved castes and your caste serial no. will be verified with that. The traveling allowance will paid there itself to all. After that we were made to sit and wait for our turns. About biodata form - They will post it in web site, it has all relevant information about you similar to a resume, (so we do not need any resume there) like your name, address, all semester marks details, 10-12th marks, college, area of interest, main subjects in semesters, your current job profile, have you appeared for any other govt./PSU exams etc. While preparing for interview, everybody told me to stress on technical and final year project and for HR questions, but that proved wrong. My timing was in the afternoon shift at 2 pm, and I was called nearly at 3.30 pm. There were 3 people in the panel. They seem to be very experienced ones. They started with the question - Q. Why I want to join BHEL. Though I was not prepared for this question, as I was expecting technical questions, but I tried answering that I always wanted to join BHEL, I am very adjustable, and I can perform well in the areas in which they will train me. But the people were not much satisfied; they also asked me to give a solid example for my adjustability. Q. They asked about my family, father's job, brother-sisters etc.. The people seem to be very lenient while asking, infact some-times I felt that they are not taking any interview. We were simply chatting, laughing in the interview room. Q. Next they asked what preparations I have done for the interview. I told I have checked the BHEL's site and collected some information about it. Next I have prepared my area of interest i.e. Digital electronics. My 2nd area of interest was Microprocessors 8085 and they started with that. Q. What do mean by 8085. I told it's the serial no. of the device given by the company Intel. But they were not satisfied and told it must have some meaning. I told may its 8 because it's a 8-bit processor and about other digits no idea. Q. How many types of microprocessors do we have? I told 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit. Q. Do we have any 64 bit processor? I never heard of it so told so. Q. What is RISC/CISC? I answered RISC is reduced instruction set computing and CISC is complex instruction set computing. Q. What's the difference between them? I told RISC is generally used for high speed switching operations and CISC is for general purpose like 8085. Q. Do we use microprocessors nowadays? I told we generally go for microcontrollers these days. Q. What are microcontrollers? I said it has memory inbuilt in it apart from microprocessor architecture. Q. What do you think the CPU we use has microprocessor in it. I told it has but not only microprocessor. It has other components also. Q. What do you think the other components are? The answer of this question doesn't click me there so I told no idea. Q. What do think Pentium uses RISC or CISC? I was not sure with this so answered we can use RISC Q. They told don't tell we can, what we exactly use I told truly that specifically I don't know. They stopped with this. I felt that they were not very specified with some questions but the best part was I never go nervous and maintained a smile through-out. They have not at all mentioned about final year project or any other curriculum subject. My advice to electronics people is - try having a different area of interest other than microprocessors because in my batch some 7-8 electronics people came for interview all having same microprocessor as area of interest. The people got little bugged up with and asked some people don't you have some different subjects. The interview will continue till 8 Oct. and results may be out after 15th Oct. Please pray for me, hope I make it, though rare hopes for me...... Let's see. All the very best to all other aspirants, |
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