AG2211 APPLIED GEOLOGY L T P C At the end of this course the student shall be able to understand about geological formations, classification and morphology of rocks, and the importance of the study of geology for civil engineers with regard to founding structures like dams, bridges, buildings, etc. The student shall also be able to appreciate the importance of geological formation in causing earthquakes and land slides. Geology in Civil Engineering - Branches of geology - Earth Structures and composition - Elementary knowledge on continental drift and plate technologies. Earth processes - Weathering - Work of rivers, wind and sea and their engineering importance - Earthquake belts in India. Groundwater - Mode of occurrence - prospecting - importance in civil engineering Elementary knowledge on symmetry elements of important crystallographic systems - physical properties of minerals - study of the following rock forming minerals - Quartz family. Feldpar family, Augite, Hornblende, Biotite, Muscovite, Calcite, Garnet - properties, behaviour and engineering significance of clay minerals - Fundamentals of process of formation of ore minerals - Coal and petroleum - Their origin and occurrence in India. Classification of rocks - distinction between igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Description occurrence, engineering properties and distribution of following rocks. Igneous rocks - Granite, Syenite, Diorite, Gabbro, Pegmatite, Dolerite and Basalt Sedimentary rocks sandstone, Limestone, shale conglo, Conglomerate and breccia. Metamorphic rocks. Quartizite, Marble, Slate, Phyllite, Gniess and Schist. UNIT IV STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICAL METHOD 9 Attitude of beds - Outcrops - Introduction to Geological maps - study of structures - Folds, faults and joints - Their bearing on engineering construction. Seismic and Electrical methods for Civil Engineering investigations UNIT V GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 9 Remote sensing techniques - Study of air photos and satellite images - Interpretation for Civil Engineering projects - Geological conditions necessary for construction of Dams, Tunnels, Buildings, Road cuttings, Land slides - Causes and preventions. Sea erosion and coastal protection. 1. Parbin Singh, "Engineering and General Geology", Katson Publication House, 1987. 2. Krynine and Judd, "Engineering Geology and Geotechniques", McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1990 1. Legeet, "Geology and Engineering", McGraw-Hill Book Company 1998 2. Blyth, "Geology for Engineers", ELBS, 1995 |
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