Sunday, 1 September 2013

Anna University Internal Assessment Entry System and Suggestions

Anna University Internal Assessment Entry System and Suggestions

Recently Anna University was announced a Internal Assessment Method. As per this Internal Assessment method, All Anna University Affiliated Colleges must upload all the students' Attendance details and Internal Exams(Monthly/Model Exams) Marks in Anna University web portal within the given 3 days time period of every month.

That Time Periods For : B.E./B.Tech. (Full-time) III, V, VII Semesters / B.Arch (Full-Time) III, V, VII, IX Semesters / M.C.A (Full-time) III, V Semesters /M.Sc.(5 Yrs), M.Sc.(2 Yrs), B.Sc. III, V, VII, IX Semesters / B.E./B.Tech. (Part-time) All Semesters is as follows

Report No Report Period Test Period Report Entry Period Remarks
1 10.7.2013 - 09.8.2013 No Test 10.8.2013 - 13.8.2013
(Only Attendance)
Not Yet Completed. Still the Last date is extended upto 05.09.2013
2 10.8.2013 - 09.9.2013 19.8.2013 - 29.8.2013 10.9.2013 - 12.9.2013 This Time Not only attendance, Now Marks also to be uploaded with in the same 3 days time period. If same current method is followed, then it is 100% impossible to do that within 3 days. It may also will extended upto next month.
3 10.9.2013 - 09.10.2013 18.9.2013 - 28.9.2013 10.10.2013 - 12.10.2013 -
4 10.10.2013 - 04.11.2013 18.10.2013 - 28.10.2013 05.11.2013 - 06.11.2013 -
The First Phase Report Entry Period is not included of Exam Marks. That means, it has Attendance Entry Only. For Entering Attendance details, Anna University allotted Three Days only from 10.7.2013 to 09.8.2013. But many colleges are not able to complete the attendance entry in the allotted three days. So Anna University has extended that days by many times and now also it has extended upto 5th September. So that, the Attendance Entry alone Excluding Marks Entry, all colleges are need one month time period to complete this works.
Before completing this Phase I, the next Report Entry Period 2 is come to schedule From 10.09.2013 to 12.09.2013 as per the time table. This time the faculties have more difficulties to enter the Reports as Attendance and Marks. So, it is expected to take more than one month time as per current method of entry.
In between the First year students' database entry also could be done within 31st of August on the same portal. But its also not completed by many colleges in time. So, Anna University has extended that time to 5th September for uploading the First Year Students database Entry and it also expected to more time extensions in future.
The Online Entry System is a good option for avoid many unwanted activities which can e done by the colleges. But to full fledged operation, this system has to improve more.
To improve this system, the following suggestions may be useful for the Anna University COE.

  1. First Year Students Database format can be entered at the time of TNEA counselling for Government Quota Students, and for Management Quota Students separate Database Form (Best option : OMR Sheet) can be given to all colleges by AU. So that colleges can arrange the soft copy of the Management Quota Students at the time of Admission. After the completion of entire admission process, that softcopies may be uploaded directly to web portal. So that this work will be completed in very few days.
  2. For Entering Marks and Attendance :
    1. For entering marks and attendance 3 days is very minimum and can be given as 5 days. And One day Before the Starting day the portal have to work as demo mode, so that the faculties can understand the formats which they have to prepare for the Report Entry Process.
    2. Anna University have all Faculties details in their COE. Then they can given individual Login IDs  and Passwords for enter the Marks and Attendance as their free timings. So that they can update the details any time between the Last date of Reporting Period.
  3. The Main Suggestion is, most of the colleges have ERPs that can be export reports as Excel / CSV formats and some colleges may be using Excel Systems for Handling the Attendance & Mark Systems. If AU can give a (Excel / CSV) template for Uploading Marks / Attendance format, they will easily generate their regular reports and import the same in the AU COE Portal. Otherwise the colleges are Already entering Attendance / Marks for their regular activities and Once again they have to enter the same in AU COE Portal. That is called duplication work which will making waste of time and manpower for the College Managements.
We expecting a good change from Anna University COE from current method of Attendance / Mark Entry to any other improved idea.

***Dear Faculties / Managements, Kindly share your suggestions here for improving this system****

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