CY6251 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY - II ~ Anna university Second sem regulation 2013 syllabus
ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI CY6251 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY - II SYLLABUS REGULATION - 2013 SECOND SEMESTER SYLLABUS CY6251 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY - II L T P C3 0 0 3 UNIT I WATER TECHNOLOGY 9 Introduction to boiler feed water-requirements-formation of deposits in steam boilers and heat exchangers- disadvantages (wastage of fuels, decrease in efficiency, boiler explosion) prevention of scale formation -softening of hard water -external treatment zeolite and demineralization - internal treatment- boiler compounds (phosphate, calgon, carbonate, colloidal) - caustic embrittlement-boiler corrosion-priming and foaming- desalination of brackish water –reverse osmosis. UNIT II ELECTROCHEMISTRY AND CORROSION 9 Electrochemical cell - redox reaction, electrode potential- origin of electrode potential- oxidation potential- reduction potential, measurement and applications - electrochemical series and its significance - Nernst equation (derivation and problems). Corrosion- causes- factors- typeschemical, electrochemical corrosion (galvanic, differential aeration), corrosion control - material selection and design aspects - electrochemical protection – sacrificial anode method and impressed current cathodic method. Paints- constituents and function. Electroplating of Copper and electroless plating of nickel. UNIT III ENERGY SOURCES 9 Introduction- nuclear energy- nuclear fission- controlled nuclear fission- nuclear fusion- differences between nuclear fission and fusion- nuclear chain reactions- nuclear reactor power generatorclassification of nuclear reactor- light water reactor- breeder reactor- solar energy conversion- solar cells- wind energy. Batteries and fuel cells:Types of batteries- alkaline battery- lead storage batterynickel-cadmium battery- lithium battery- fuel cell H2 -O2 fuel cell- applications. UNIT IV ENGINEERING MATERIALS 9 Abrasives: definition, classification or types, grinding wheel, abrasive paper and cloth. Refractories: definition, characteristics, classification, properties – refractoriness and RUL, dimensional stability, thermal spalling, thermal expansion, porosity; Manufacture of alumina, magnesite and silicon carbide, Portland cement- manufacture and properties - setting and hardening of cement, special cement- waterproof and white cement–properties and uses. Glass - manufacture, types, properties and uses. UNIT V FUELS AND COMBUSTION 9 Fuel: Introduction- classification of fuels- calorific value- higher and lower calorific values- coalanalysis of coal (proximate and ultimate)- carbonization- manufacture of metallurgical coke (Otto Hoffmann method) - petroleum- manufacture of synthetic petrol (Bergius process)- knocking- octane number - diesel oil- cetane number - natural gas- compressed natural gas(CNG)- liquefied petroleum gases(LPG)- producer gas- water gas. Power alcohol and bio diesel. Combustion of fuels: introduction- theoretical calculation of calorific value- calculation of stoichiometry of fuel and air ratioignition temperature- explosive range - flue gas analysis (ORSAT Method). TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. Vairam S, Kalyani P and SubaRamesh.,"Engineering Chemistry"., Wiley India PvtLtd.,New Delhi., 2011 2. DaraS.S,UmareS.S."Engineering Chemistry", S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi , 2010 REFERENCES 1 Kannan P. and Ravikrishnan A., "Engineering Chemistry", Sri Krishna Hi-tech Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd. Chennai, 2009 2. AshimaSrivastava and Janhavi N N., "Concepts of Engineering Chemistry", ACME Learning Private Limited., New Delhi., 2010. 3. RenuBapna and Renu Gupta., "Engineering Chemistry", Macmillan India Publisher Ltd., 2010. 4 Pahari A and Chauhan B., "Engineering Chemistry"., Firewall Media., New Delhi., 2010 |
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