Monday, 2 September 2013

Previous Year Question Paper for Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer

Previous Year Question Paper for Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer

Here you can find previous year solved question paper for Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer grade I/II examination. Find past 5 years solved papers with answers for ACIO Grade-II exam.

I have provided the free download links for the Intelligence Bureau ACIO Grade-ii Executive Exam Previous Year Question Papers . Previous year papers will help the you to prepare better for the examination . In addition it will tell them about the difficulty level of the exam and what kind of question, one can expect in the exam. Please use the links below to download the papers.

Coming Soon..........

Examination Pattern:
The exam paper will be in the below mentioned pattern/syllabus.

Paper I:

Paper I is Objective type containing questions on
1. General awareness
2. General knowledge
3. English language
4. Reasoning
5. Mathematical aptitude

Paper II

Descriptive type consisting of:
a. Essay
b. Precis writing

About Intelligence Bureau:

The Intelligence Bureau (IB) (Devanagari: ?????? ??????, Khüfiya Bureau) is India's internal intelligence agency and reputedly the world's oldest intelligence agency.[1] It was recast as the Central Intelligence Bureau in 1947 under the Ministry of Home Affairs. The reason for the perception may be because, in 1885, Major General Sir Charles MacGregor was appointed Quartermaster General and head of the Intelligence Department for the British Indian Army at Simla. The objective then was to monitor Russian troop deployments in Afghanistan, fearing a Russian invasion of British India through the North-West during the late 19th century.

In 1909, the Indian Political Intelligence Office was established in England in response to the development of Indian revolutionary activities, which came to be called the Indian Political Intelligence (IPI) from 1921. This was a state-run surveillance and monitoring agency. The IPI was run jointly by the India Office and the Government of India and reported jointly to the Secretary of the Public and Judicial Department of the India Office, and the Director of Intelligence Bureau (DIB) in India, and maintained close contact with Scotland Yard and MI5.

Serving since December 2012, Syed Asif Ibrahim is the current director of the IB, the first Muslim to hold the position.[2]

Ranks of Gazetted Officers (Group 'A')
  • Director Intelligence Bureau (post held by senior most Indian Police Service officer; and the only 4 star equivalent to Armed Forces Generals in terms of insignia. However it's a post and not a rank.)
  • Special Director (equivalent to Director General of Police)
  • Addl. Director (equivalent to Additional Director General of Police)
  • Joint Director (equivalent to Inspector General of Police)
  • Deputy Director (equivalent to Deputy Inspector General of Police) 
  • Joint Deputy Director(equivalent to Senior Superintendent of Police)
  • Assistant Director (equivalent to superintendent of police)
  • Deputy Central Intelligence Officer (equivalent to Assistant superintendent of Police)

Ranks of Officers in (Group 'B')

    Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade-I (equivalent to Deputy superitendent of police ) after completion of 3 years in the same post.

Ranks of Officers in (Group 'C')

    - Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade-II (equivalent to Inspector of Police).
    - Junior Intelligence Officer Grade-I (SI)
    - Junior Intelligence Officer Grade-II (equivalent to ASI of Police)
    - Security Assistant (equivalent to Head Constable of Police)

There are different ranks of executives which adhere for managing and executing the goals of the organisation. Sometimes executives are compared with state police service ranks which are different from the ranks in IB.

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