When you are buying your computer, it may worked very fast according to computer's configuration.After some months or years the speed of computer may get reduced.This is because of lack of maintenance. Now I am giving some reasons that makes your computer to run slowly and the procedures to avoid this.  | COMPUTER TRICKS | Reasons for slow working process : - Hard Disk Problems
- Running too may programs
- Data Corruption
- Heat
- Files corrupted in operating system
- Device problems
- Hardware Problems
Procedure to avoid these problems :
1)Hard Disk Problems
Less Hard Disk space - This should be handled very clearly.Your operation system installed drive must have at least 20 to 25% free space.
- In other drives try to leave 500 MP to 1 GP free space.
Run ScanDisk - This helps to find whether any errors are in the Hard Disk.
- To perform this Select any drive (c,d,e... etc)---> Right click ---> properties ---> Tools--->check
- In this if u click "Automatically fix problem" option ,in the very next time when you restart you computer the errors will be flew away
2)Running too may Programs - Sometimes many unwanted application programs will run backward in your computer.This leads to slow down in performance.
- To stop unwanted running applications click "Alt+ctrl+del" and select task manager.
- In the Task manager window click Applications tab.
- Now under process tab select the application program that you want to stop running.
- Click End button.
3)Data Corruption 4)Over Heat - Computer/processor may Over heat due to the formation of dust inside CPU.The dust covers the ventilators in the CPU box.
- So better open the CPU and clean all the dusts.
- While cleaning you must be very careful ,clean softly.and don't touch any wires.
5)Files corrupted in operating system - This problem can be solved by repairing the Operating system.
- To repair OS..Insert Operating System CD in the CD drive.
- Click repair button.
6)Device Problems
Some devices may slow down your computer.  | Device problems and solutions | - To check hardware problems right click on My Computer--->Manage--->Device Manager
- If yellow color question mark appears in any devices , just remove it and restart your computer
- If red color cross appears then it may Disabled ,Enable it.
- Again problem occurs means install the the latest version of the particular Device driver.
Re-install the Operating System: - Try all these above steps and even now if you didn't get any improvement try to re-install the operating system
7)Hardware Problems - Finally,even though your system is running slow means then there may be some hardware problem.That is in RAM,Mother Board,Hard Disk ect.
- For this problems better give your CPU to service center.
Tips to increase the computer speed : - Clean the Registry.
- Increase the RAM memory.
- Change computer once after five years working.
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