Automotive Engines ND12 3rd 080190002
B.E/B.TECH. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2012 Anna University Question Paper Third Semester Automobile Engineering 080190002-AUTOMOTIVE ENGINES (Regulation 2008) Other Departments Papers: Click Here Download PDF File - Click Here PART A-(10*2=20 marks) 1.Enumerate the various firing orders for four and six stroke engines. 2.Write the equation for Air standard efficiency of Otto cycle. 3.What is a lean mixture? State its properties. 4.Draw any one type of Nozzle and mention its parts. 5.State the various stages of combustion in S.I engines. 6.Define (a) swirl (b) squish 7. Explain different methods of turbo charging. 8. State any two tests used for finding the B.P and I.P of an engine. 9. Define the various properties of coolants. 10. Write the major parts to be lubricated in a Petrol engine. PART B-(5*16=80 Marks) 11. (a) (i) Compare S.I and C.I engines. (ii) Explain the construction of CI engine and explain its nomenclature. Or (b) Explain the Diesel cycle with PV and TS diagram. Derive the expressions for efficiency and MEP. 12. (a) Explain the working operation of Jerk type of Fuel injection pump. Or (b) Explain CRDI system with a neat sketch. 13. (a) Explain the phenomenon of knock in SI engines and compare it with CI engine knock. Or (b) What is Delay period and what are the factors that affect the delay period. 14. (a) Explain with neat sketch: (i) Hydraulic dynamometer. (ii) Eddy current dynamometer. Or (b) List the emissions that are considered significant for measurement and performance study. 15. (a) Explain the following: (i) Thermosyphon cooling system. (ii) Forced circulation cooling system. (iii) Evaporative cooling system. (iv) Pressure cooling system. Or (b) What are the desired properties of the lubricant? Explain how do additives help to achieve the desired properties. |
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