Automotive Transmission MJ13 5th 080190008
B.E/B.TECH. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2013 Anna University Question Paper Fifth Semester Automobile Engineering 080190008-AUTOMOTIVE TRANSMISSION (Regulation 2008) Other Departments Papers: Click Here Download PDF File - Click Here PART A-(10*2=20 marks) 1. How do you calculate the torque transmission capacity of a clutch? 2. List the advantages of diaphragm clutch. 3. What is the need of gear box in a vehicle? 4. What are the functions of transfer case? 5. Why is propeller shaft made as hollow? 6. Compare live axle and dead axle. 7. Write the difference between single reduction and final reduction drives? 8. What is the need of differential lock? 9. Compare hydrodynamic drive and hydrostatic drive. 10. What are the advantages and limitations of electric drive? PART B-(5*16=80 marks) 11. (a) Discuss in detail about the construction and working of single plate coil spring type clutch . with neat sketch (Or) (b)Discuss in detail about the construction and working of single plate diaphragm spring clutch in engaged and disengaged condition with neat sketch 12. (a) Discuss in detail about the construction and working of synchromesh gear box (5+1) with (Or) (b) Explain about the construction and working of torque converter with neat sketches. 13. (a) Explain about the construction and working of Hotchkiss and torque tube drive with neat sketches. (Or) (b) Explain in detail about the construction and working of rear axles. 14. (a) Describe about double reduction final drive with respect to construction, working and merits and demerits. (Or) (b) Describe in detail about non-slip differential unit with diagrams and also compare with conventional differential. 15. (a) Describe about modern electric drives for buses and performance characteristics. (Or) (b) Discuss in detail about Ward Leonard control system with diagrams and advantages and Disadvantages. |
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