Sunday, 15 June 2014

RailTel Computer Science Paper with Answers

RailTel Computer Science Paper with Answers

RailTel Computer Science Questions with Answers

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1.Pascal, BASIC and C are programming languages, while C++ is an _________ language.

a)Assembly language
c)Object-oriented programming-Answer

2.Which of the following are good reasons to use an object-oriented language?

a)You can define your own data types -Answer
b)Program statements are simple than in procedural language
c)An OO Program can be taught to correct its own errors
d)It's easier to conceptualize an OO program-Answer

3.When a language has the capability to produce new data types, it is said to be

4.A normal C++ operator that acts in special ways on newly defined data types is said to be


5.Memorizing the new terms used in C++ is
a)critically important
b)something you can return to later-Answer
c)the key to wealth and success
d)completely irrelevant

6.Protecting data from access by unauthorized functions is called _____


7.Dividing a program into functions
a)is the key to OOP
b)makes the program easier to conceptualize-Answer
c)may reduce the size of the program-Answer
d)makes the program run faster

8.True or falseIn an assignment statement, the value on the left of the equal sign is always equal to the value on the right-False

9.True or false:It's perfectly all right to use variables of different data types in the same arithmetic expression.-True

10.A relational operator

a)assigns one operand to another
b)yields a Boolean result
c)compares two operands-Answer
d)logically combines two operands

11.A variable defined within a block is visible
a)from the point of definition onward in the program
b)from the point of definition onward in the function
c)from the point of definition onward in the block-Answer
d)throughout the function

12.True or false:Relational operators have a higher precedence than arithmetic operators.-False

13.The library function exit () causes an exit from
a)the loop in which it occurs
b)the block in which it occurs
c)the function in which it occurs
d)the program in which it occurs-Answer

14.The getche () library function
a)returns a character when the key is pressed-Answer
b)returns a character when Enter is pressed
c)displays a character on the screen when any key is pressed-Answer
d)does not display a character on the screen

15.The & & and operators

a)compare two numeric values
b)combine two numeric values
c)compare two Boolean values-Answer
d)combine two Boolean values

16.The break statement causes an exit
a)only from the innermost loop
b) only from the innermost switch
c) from all loops and switches-Answer
d)from the innermost loop or switch

17.The goto statement causes control to go to
a)an operator
b)a label-Answer
c)a variable
d)a function

18.A structure brings together a group of

a)items of the same data type
b)related data items-Answer
c)integers with user-defined names

19.True or false:A structure specifier creates space in memory for a variable-True

20.An enumerated data type brings together a group of

a)items of different data types
b)related data variables
c)integers with user-defined names
d)constant values-Answer

21.A function's single most important role is to

a)give a name to a block of code
b)related data variables
c)accept arguments and provide a return value
d)help organize a program into conceptual units-Answer

22.Which of the following can't legitimately be passed to a function?

a)a constant
b)a variable
c)a structure
d)a header file-Answer

23.When an argument is passed by reference

a)a variable is created in the function to hold the argument's value-Answer
bThe function cannot access the argument's value
c)a temporary variable is created in the calling program to hold the argument's value
d)the function accesses the argument's original value in the calling program

24.Overloaded functions

a)are a group of functions with the same name
b)all have the same number and types of arguments
c)make life simpler for programmers-Answer
d)may fail unexpectedly due to stress

25.A default argument has a value that
a)may be supplied by the calling program-Answer
b)may be supplied by the function -Answer
c)must have a constant value
d)must have a variable value

26.A static automatic variable is used to
a)make a variable visible to several functions
bmake a variable visible to only one function-Answer
c)conserve memory when a function is not executing
d)retain a value when a function is not executing -Answer

27.In a class specifier, data or functions designated private are accessible

a)to any function in the program
b)only if you know the password
c)to member functions of that class -Answer
d)only to public members of the class

28.True or false:In a class you can have more than one constructor with the same name -True

29.An array element is accessed using

a)a first-in first-out approach
b)the dot operator
c)a member name
d)an index number-Answer

30.When an array name is passed to a function, the function
a)accesses exactly the same array as the calling program-Answer 
b)accesses a copy of the array passed by the program
c)refers to the array using the same name as that used by the calling program
d)refers to the array using a different name from that used by the calling program-Answer

31.To convert from a user-defined class to a basic type, you would most likely use

a)a built-in conversion function
b)a one-argument constructor
c)an overloaded = operator
d) a conversion function that's a member of the class-Answer

32.Inheritance is a way to

a)make general classes into more specific classes-Answer
b)pass arguments to objects of classes
c)add features to existing classes without rewriting them-Answer
d)improve data-hiding and encapsulation

33.A "child" class is said to be from a base class

a)parent class
b)derived class-Answer
c)existing class

34.The scope-resolution operator (:) usually

a)limits the visibility of variables to a certain function
b)tells what base class, a class is derived from
c)specifies a particular class-Answer
d)resolves ambiguities-Answer

35.A class hierarchy

a)shows the same relationships as an organization chart
b)describes "has a" relationships
c)describes "is a kind of " relationships -Answer
d)shows the same relationships as a family tree

36.A pointer is

a)the address of a variable
b)an indication of the variable to be accessed next
c)a variable for storing addresses -Answer
d)the data type of an address variable

37The new operator
a)returns a pointer to a variable
b)creates a variable called new
c)obtains memory for a new variable-Answer
d)tells how much memory is available

38.In a linked list
a)each link contains a pointer to the next link-Answer 
b)an array of pointers point to the links
c)each link contains data or a pointer to data-Answer
d)the links are stored in an array

39.If you wanted to sort many large objects or structures, it would be most efficient to
place them in an array and sort the array
b)place pointers to them in an array and sort the array-Answer
c)place them in a linked list and sort the linked list
d)place references to them in an array and sort the array

40.A C++ stream is
a)the flow of control through a function
b)a flow of data from one place to another-Answer

41.To write data that contains variable of type float, to an object of type of stream, you should use

a)the insertion operator
b)seekg ()
c)write ()-Answer
d)put ()

42. Mode bits such as APP and ATE can't do any of the following:

a)are defined in the IOS class
b)can specify if a file is open for reading or writing
c)work with the put() and get() functions-Answer
d)specify ways of opening a file

43.Redirection redirects

a)a stream from a file to the screen -Answer 
ba file from a device to a stream
c)a device from the screen to a file
d)the screen from a device to a stream

44.The process of allocating memory at run time is know as

a)Static memory allocation
b)dynamic memory allocation-Answer
c)memory reallocation

45.In C language, a block of memory may be allocated using the function


46.___________ allocates multiple blocks of storage, each of the same size. and then sets all bytes to zero.


47.Structures which contain a member field that point to the member field that point to the same structure types are called

astructure within a structure
b)self-referencial structure-Answer

48.C does not have an operator for

a)modulo division

49.C compilers support fundamental data types

50.Every C program must have one _________ function section

a)printf ()
b)main ()-Answer
c)getch ()

50. main()

What is the output ?

51 Which one is the OOP language
a. Small talk, b. Pascal. c. Basic

52. Which is not the featues of OOP
a. Reflection b. Encapsulation, c. Abstraction d. Inheritence

53. What is the typed language of C++
a. Static b. Dynamic c. Link-binding

54. Which property of OOP makes let the user know only the functinality of method but not the detail how it is working
a. Abstraction b. Encapsulation c. Inheritence

55. How you define abstract class in C++
a. Using abstract mentod b. By writing keyword "abstract". c etc

56. Which one is the two way linked list
a. Circular linklist b. Node having header and trailer in the list C. Array

57. Which one uses the indexing
a. Linklist b. Arrays c. Stack d. Queue

58. Which is having many to many mapping
a. graph, b. tree, c. stack etc

59. Which one is not the behaviour of binary search
a. Deletion of any node. b. comparing with the middle value. etc

60. When data moves from lower layer to upper layer in OSI then what happens to headed
a. Removed b. Added.

61. What is called packets in network layer
a. Datagram b. Frame. etc

62. What switching is used in conventional land line
a. Packet b. Circuit. etc

63. What scheduling algo is used for real time OS
a. Round robin b. FIFO. c. Pre-emptive. etc

64. How many layers are there in OSI model
a. 7 b. 8 c. 6 etc

65. Repeaters work in which layer
a. Datalink b. physical c. Network etce

66. Process to process communication happens in layer
a. Session b. Transport c. Application d. Network

67. Which one is not in application layer
a. FTP b. TFTP. c. Virtual network terminal.

68. Which one return the acknowledgement
a. UDP. b. TCP etc

69. Which one is DDL
a. Trancate b. Delete c. Both d. None

70. Which one is true/false for using indexing in data base
a. Slow b. Fast C More space

71. Four DML given to find out the where indexing need not be used.

72. Which one create the deadlock
a. Mutex b. Semaphore c. Hold and wait

73. One numirical to find out the effective average access time where the cache and RAM memory speed given with hit/miss percentage

74. Which one do not require the context switcing
a. General registers b. PC. c. Look aside table buffer

75. What is the size of address location for 8085
a. 1MB b. 128kb c. 64KB etc

76. What is the layer where the user comes in picture
a. Session b. Application c. Transport d. Network

77. Why NAND gate is called universal gate.
a. Using this, all other gates can be realised
b. This is largely used
c. etc etc

78. For 3 bits adder, what is the number of adder required
a. 2 full adder& 2 half adder b. 3 full adder and one half adder etc

79. One numiraical to find out the number of address bit from the 32 segments of 1MB memory location

80. What comes previous to this 10000
a. 1111 (binary) b. FFFF (hex) c. 7777 (Oct)

81. Questions related to full binary tree to find the number of nodes in leaf

82 What does parity bit
a. Error detect b. Header c. Trailer

83. How to create and interface in C++
a. by virtual functions
b. by abstract class/method
c. by creating the class using "interface" keyword

84 What is for namesapace used in C++
a. To resolve the name clashing
b. To create different name etc

85 Language which support diamond inherritance
a) C++ b) Java c) Both a and b d) None

Some basic sql functions like trunc some questions from Oracle in C.N

87 All of them basic questions

88 Diff b/w hub and switch?

89  What happend to header of packet if routed from bottom to top layer etc.

90 What will be output of the following-
 (a) tim (b) keep printing tim (c) black screen (d) none

91 In which Data structure insertion and deletion is not possible in middle but at ends.
(a) Linked list (b)Pointer Array (c) Queue (d) Dqueue.

92 bOSI Model consist of how many Layer

93 Why NAND gate is called universal gate?

94 Which of the following not supported by C++
(a) Encapsulation (b) Abstraction (c) Reflection (d) Inheritence

95 Which of the following support Diamond Inheritence
(a) C++ (b) Java (c) C (d) none

96  Suppose X is a class and arg is parameter then What is syntax of passing parameter in a copyconstructor
(a) X(X arg) (b) X(X *arg) (c) X(X &arg) (d)none

97 What is difference between Hub and Repeater?

98 If there are 6 input to a Nand Gate the how many column will bw there in Full addre table?

99 Which of the following is a DDL statement
(a) Delete (b) Turncate (c)Both a and b (d) none

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