Automotive Embedded Systems MJ13 7th
B.E/B.TECH. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2013 Seventh Semester Automobile Engineering 080190029- AUTOMOTIVE EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (Regulation 2008) Other Departments Papers: Click Here Download PDF File - Click Here PART A-(10*2=20 marks) 1.Name the different active safety systems employed in modern vehicles. 2.What is the use of telematics system in vehicles? 3.Give the design requirement of drive by wire. 4.What is meant by steer by wire? 5.Define duty cycle. 6.List the various preferred areas of applications of serial communication. 7.What is firmware? 8.What are host machine and target machine? 9.What is meant by code warrior and IDE? 10.Define the terms prototyping and emulation. PART B- (5*16=80) 11.(a) Name the various components of electronic gasoline engine management system and Explain their function in detail. Or (b) (i) Explain with neat layout of vehicle power supply controller system. (ii) Write short notes on navigation and multimedia system. 12. (a) Discuss in detail about the development of electronics in automobiles. Or (b) Write short notes on: (i) Brake-by-wire. (ii) Suspension –by-wire. (iii) Power-by-wire. (iv) Shift-by-wire. 13. (a) Describe the features of MC9S12XD family 16 bit microprocessor. Or (b) (i) What is meant by RS-232? Explain its applications. (ii) Explain the SPI bus with simple diagram and list its characteristics. 14. (a) Discuss the various process involved in creating automotive software. Or (b) (i) Draw the IDE architecture diagram explain its elements. (ii) Explain the various code warrior run control devices. 15. (a) Describe the method of downloading the software from host to target machine. Or (b) Write short notes on implementing application prototype of automotive power window and lighting system. |
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