Environmental Science And Engineering ND13 5th GE2021
B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVENMER DECEMBER 2013. Anna University Question Paper GE 2021/GE32/080100016/080380015-ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Fifth Semester Automobile Engineering (Regulation 2008/2010) Other Departments Papers: Click Here Download PDF File - Click Here PART A-(10*20=20 MARKS) 1.What is an ecosystem? 2.Differentiate between food chain and food web. 3.Define the term noise pollution. 4.What is a cyclone? 5.Mention the major environmental impacts of mining. 6.What are the changes caused by overgrazing? 7.What is environmental ethics? 8.List the objectives of Forest Conservation Act. 9.What do you mean by Double timing? 10.What is value education? PART B-(5*16=80 MARKS) 11.(a) (i) Explain the role of producers, consumers and decomposers n an ecosystem. (ii) What is the importance of protecting the biodiversity of earth. Or (b) (i) Explain the various components and functions of forest ecosystem. (ii) Identify and explain the major threats to the biodiversity of India. 12.(a) (i) Explain the major water pollutants and their effects. (ii) List and explain the methods of waste management in the order of preference. Or (b) (i) Discuss the source, effects and control measures of thermal pollution. (ii) What is an earth quake? Write its effects. What measures should be taken to mitigate the disaster. 13.(a) (i) Discuss the effects of timber extraction on forests and tribal people. (ii) What is land degradation? Mention the factors responsible for land degradation. Or (b) (i) Explain the benefits and problems of dam. (ii) Discuss the roll of individual in the conservation of natural resources. 14.(a) (i) What are the major urban problems related to energy? (ii) Briefly discuss the salient features of the Environment Act, 1968. Or (b) (i) What is watershed? Critically discuss the objectives and practices of water shed Management. (ii) Write short notes on Nuclear accidents and holocaust. 15.(a) (i) Explain the term 'Population Explosion'. Enumerate its effects. (ii) Discuss the role of Information Technology in the protection of Environment and Human health. Or (b) (i) Describe the various schemes launched for woman and child welfare in India. (ii) What are the modes of transmission of HIV? And how can it be prevented. |
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